Vertalers gezocht voor een serie interviews tijdens de 5G Crisis Summit 2020
Van 1 tot en met 7 juni dit jaar vond de online 5G Crisis Summit 2020 plaats met als onderwerp: 5G A Worldwide Call To Action. Tijdens dit video-event braken tientallen gerenommeerde experts een lans voor een MORATORIUM op de uitrol van deze technologie.
In 43 interviews met 41 eminente specialisten uit het vakgebied laat de Amerikaanse documentairemaker Josh del Sol uit alle mogelijke hoeken vrijelijk licht schijnen op 5G en op de rol van China en de toekomst.
Het zijn openhartige, verbazingwekkende en onthullende interviews met vrij denkende geesten. Hiervan is een (Engelstalige) transcriptie van 600 à 800 pagina’s gemaakt.
Klik hier voor een pdf van drie van deze teksten (Dietrich Klinghardt, Patrick Wood en Martin Pall, zie de uitgebreide inhoudsopgave onderaan deze pagina).
De aldus samengebrachte kennis is top of the bill en daardoor een zeer waardevolle bron. Tenminste, voor wie het Engels machtig is.
42 vertalingen
Jan Vissers uit Assen heeft het plan opgevat om deze immense berg te vertalen in het Nederlands. Het gaat om 43 vertalingen van rond de tien pagina’s.
Hij heeft inmidels al vijf vertalers gevonden die elk een interview voor hun rekening nemen. Dat betekent dat er nog 38 presentaties ‘vacant’ zijn.
Als elke vertaler één tekst doet dan kan er heel snel gewerkt worden, stelt Jan. Dat is nodig, want het komt er nu op aan met 5G.
Wie gaan hem helpen?
Je kunt via contact opnemen met Jan.
Je kunt hem ook helpen door dit bericht te delen met mensen die je kent.
Hieronder twee trailers van de 5G Crisis Summit 2020.
Inhoudsopgave van de transcripts:
1. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Dangers of 5G to Children’s Health
5G satellite insanity
Industry lobbying and captured agencies
Violations of human rights and informed consent
2. Martin Pall, PhD: Hoe draadloos schaadt (deel 1)
9 verschillende gebieden van schade door draadloos
Chemisch proces achter de schadelijke biologische effecten
Waarom 5G gevaarlijker is dan haar voorgangers
3. Magda Havas, PhD: Extensive Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) and 5G
Rise of “electro-hypersensitivity”
Impact of electromagnetc fields on your health
Simple solutions to protect your home
4. Devra Lee Davis, PhD, MPH: Science on 5G and Wireless Radiation
Science the industry doesn’t want you to know
Impact of millimeter waves on your health
Exposing the industry playbook
5. Jason Bawden-Smith, BAppSc, MSc: Critical Disruption of Mitochondria by Electromagnetic Fields
Central role of quantum biophysics
What are the business benefits of 5G?
Healing at the root level
6. Paul Heroux, PhD: Harmful Effects of 5G and Wireless
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and metabolic disturbances
Non-thermal effects from wireless radiation
Technical problems linked to the Internet of Things
7. Patrick Wood: 5G: The Agenda for Total Control
Connection between 5G and the “Technocracy”
Economy based on energy consumption and surveillance?
The “social credit” policy (and other dangerous agendas)
8. James Corbett: Implications of Surveillance Capitalism
5G, the Internet of Things and total control of humanity
Chinese social crediting system in the West?
Freedom from socially-engineered propaganda
9. David Greenfield, PhD: Addicted Society: Tech Addiction and 5G
How to protect children from screens, virtual reality and gaming
Coming to terms with tech addictions
Awareness of “addictive-by-design” technologies
10. Sayer Ji: 5G and the War on Consciousness
Satellites and 5G: what are the facts?
Propaganda and censorship tactics
Threats to freedom of choice and natural medicine
11. Max Igan: 5G and the Spiritual Crisis of Humanity
How geopolitical structures use fear to control
Legal steps to block and remove 4G/5G installations
Embracing the opportunity for awakening
12. Paul Seils: 5G and Total Global Surveillance
Military and intelligence surveillance
Grassroots campaigns to apply criminal justice
How Australians and others are taking action
13. Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD: Best Protection from Electromagnetic Fields and 5G
Metals, mold, autism, Alzheimer’s and autoimmunity
Strategies for overcoming electromagnetic fields trauma
Clinical experiences of major recovery and healing
14. Larry Gust, BBEC: Safeguarding Your Home from 5G and Electromagnetic Fields
Types and sources of elektromagnetic fields radiation
Best methods for protection
Building Biology Institute: elektromagnetic fields safety experts
15. Terry Stotyn: Eliminating Dirty Electricity in Your Home
Where does it come from?
How “dirty power” causes disease
3 benefits of filtering “dirty electricity”
16. Wolfgang Jaksch: Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Technologies for Healing
Identifying the different types of electromagnetic fields
Using pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) for healing
Future of preventative and therapeutic medicine
17. Dana Ashlie: Solutions for a Toxic Agenda
Reducing electromagnetic fields harm and detoxing heavy metals
Exploring deeper motives for using 5G
Emergence of spiritual refinement
18. Jerry Day: “Smart” Meters and Their Hidden Agenda
Link between 5G, “smart” meters and Internet of Things
4 main concerns (you should know about!)
Powerful tips in the fight for our rights
19. Theodora Scarato, MSW: Local Government and Community Actions
Science behind health effects from 5G and wireless
How federal government agencies have failed us
Local government pushback strategies
20. Sharon Goldberg, MD: Science About Wireless and 5G
Electrmagnetic fields, diabetes, mental illness and suicide
Refuting industry and government statements
Common misconceptions about electromagnetic fields
21. Kevin Mottus: Complete Regulatory Failure of 5G
Why isn’t government protecting people?
How the FCC is a “captured agency”
Most effective actions you can take
22. Raphael Mahaim: Regional Governments Standing Against 5G
Why the Swiss are banning 5G
Industry response to government resolutions
Educating government officials
23. Timothy Schoechle, PhD: Flaws of Driverless Cars, 5G and Internet of Things (part1)
5G is not required for driverless cars
False expectations created by 5G marketing
Are 5G & the Internet of Things the next big bubble to burst?
24. Trevor Marshall, PhD: Debunking 7 Myths About 5G
Unacceptable risk from 5G transmitters
Difference between satellite and local 5G
Most important step to protect yourself and family
25. Ronald Melnick, PhD: “Clear Evidence of Cancer:” The $30M NTP Study
Findings of the U.S. National Toxicology Program study
Cancer, tumors, heart problems and DNA damage
Why is government ignoring this landmark study?
26. Raymond Broomhall, LLB, GDLP: How 5G Sites are Being Blocked and Removed (part1)
Step-by-step legal process
The “Achilles heel” of the telecom industry
Connecting with community and creating change
27. Susan A. Manewich, MA: Emergence of New Energy Technologies
Technologies to prevent centralization of control
How evolution of consciousness leads to change
Lifting the veil of repression
28. Joe Martino: Discerning/Dissolving “Social Engineering” Traps
Role of Trump, Q Anon, and other “narrative” storylines
How to bring people closer together
Empowering meta-shift that’s underway
29. Olga Sheean: 5G vs. Your Inner Authority
4 stages of electromagnetic fields awareness
Overcoming what separates you from your power
Processing fear and overwhelm
30. Steven Whybrow: The Inner Challenge of 5G
What is the 5G “ultimate endgame?”
Using natural law to enhance your personal power
Embarking on a spiritual journey of self-discovery
31. Debra Greene, PhD: Changing the World with Inner Resources
Using “internal senses” for power and authority
Necessary and transformative role of fear
Embodying the courage to speak out about 5G
32. Richard A. Lear: Root Cause of Chronic Disease Epidemics
What is the “P-FACTOR?”
7 biological factors behind the healthcare crisis
Pivotal roles of electromagnetic fields and peroxynitrite
33. Martin Pall, PhD: 5 Most Critical Areas of Harm (part 2)
Most startling ways 5G damages your health
High urgency to solve this meta-problem
Possible role of electromagnetic fields in wildfire ignition
34. Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN: Wireless Radiation in Autoimmunity
Link between electromagnetic fields and chronic disease
Impact on neurological health and immune system
Consequences of industry-controlled regulation
35. Beverly Rubik, PhD: Effects of Wireless on the Human Biofield
Understanding the human biofield
How to protect yourself from 5G?
Electromagnetic field effects on live blood cells
36. Ty and Charlene Bollinger: Informed Consent: Who Owns Your Body?
Link between wireless radiation and cancer
How 5G and policies violate the Nuremberg Code
Rising above the strategies of “divide-and-conquer”
37. Tim Sandars: Electromagnetic Fields and New-Paradigm Physics
Fundamental “flaws” in traditional physics
How electrmagnetic field radiation causes harm
Quantum physics for protection and healing
38. Raymond Broomhall, LLB, GDLP: The Legal Action Process (part 2)
Templates to prevent 5G in your community
Step-by-step guide to Ray’s legal action process
Organizing your community to fight
39. Timothy Schoechle, PhD: Communities Using Fiber Optics Instead of 5G (part2)
Pilot cities providing wired solutions
Educating elected officials
Benefits of local governments taking control
Communities and local governements working together
40. Cece Doucette: Protecting Our Children
How to educate elected and school officials
Overcoming communication barriers and fears
Connecting with community members and leaders
41. Patrick Colbeck: Keys in the Fight for Justice
Why most elected officials are “tone deaf” to risks
Importance of discussing risks and benefits
Role of faith in the fight to protect life
42. Claire Edwards, BA Hons, MA: Unlocking Hidden Potential of the 5G Crisis
United Nations responses and other governing agencies
Propaganda programs (and how to counter them!)
5G as a community-catalyzing event in our world
43. Derrick Broze: Building Local Community to Resist 5G
Connecting to perform intentional actions
Educating elected officials
How industry has corrupted governing agencies
Samenvatting conclusies
5G “THE 5G ROLL OUT IS ABSOLUTELY INSANE” (Professor Martin Pall Washington State University)
5G is Russische roulette met onze gezondheid
Moratorium van de baan: staat kan doorgaan met de uitrol van 5G
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Ik heb Jan Vissers geholpen met het vertalen van een van deze hoofdstukken. Er hebben vele mensen gereageerd op zijn oproep, maar Jan is nog steeds op zoek naar mensen die een van de hoofdstukken willen vertalen. Dus wil je een bijdrage leveren aan onderzoek naar 5G,meld je dan even op
Mooi, zal email sturen ivm vertaling van een interview
Hier nog even up to date article incl video van Childrens Health Defense- Robert Kennedy
Community and world United, We Say NO!
We stand together representing MILLIONS who proclaim the right to health freedom for our ourselves and our families.
In recent months, people around the world have suffered death, illness, shutdowns, quarantines, school closings, food shortages and other restrictions because of COVID.
And now we face a new threat – the threat of being bullied into vaccination.
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