Wat er echt aan de hand is in Afrika
Hierbij wat achtergrond bij de actuele ontwikkelingen in Afrika. In een uitzending van Redacted wordt het allemaal knap samengevat: de grondstoffenroof door de EU en de VS komt in gevaar en dat leidt direct tot pro-westers wapengekletter.
Niger is almost twice the size of Nigeria. The oil pipeline through Niger into Europe also traverses Algeria. Algeria said it will back Niger against invasion. The Francophone countries supporting Niger encircle the ECOWAS. This is quite explosively confusing for France. pic.twitter.com/hDaONHQbcP
— Medianalystar (@TrottoirRadio) August 3, 2023
⚡️ Niger was part of the Trans Saharan Gas Pipeline project that would transfer gas from Nigeria to Europe, a long-standing project that would help the EU replace Russian gas in the future pic.twitter.com/wmwlSzd7Ww
— What the media hides. (@narrative_hole) August 3, 2023
Niger : “we care about Niger’s democracry, trust me bro”
Upsssss……there is a gas pipeline project !!!
capacity 30 billion cubic meters, that a could replace part of the 55 billion cubic meters lost from Russia trough Nordstream 2.
Without this project, Europe can really say… pic.twitter.com/RMuAmPOIbg— Angelo Giuliano ?? ??/ living in ?? (@Angelo4justice3) August 9, 2023
BREAKING: The President of ECOWAS has ordered the DEPLOYMENT of the ECOWAS-Standby Force to restore the Constitutional Order in Niger ?? pic.twitter.com/Vck9TPyQDm
— Jackson Hinkle ?? (@jacksonhinklle) August 10, 2023
Best groot nog dat Niger pic.twitter.com/eq4bf5Vt8O
— Holladie?✈︎▌▌(Jan) (@holladie911) August 9, 2023
Macro se torna criminoso é procurado no Níger.
Esse é o completo fim do imperialismo francês no Níger e em Bukina Faso. pic.twitter.com/WbjHaQ6duo
— Amazonia de Ferro (@Amazoniadeferro) August 10, 2023
Towards a post petroleum global infrastructure – Richard Dolan about the world After Disclosure
De Nieuwe Aarde is een hoogtechnologische beschaving
Heftige protesten tegen de lockdown in Afrika
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One more… Democracy Now
An interview with the honorable peace & justice scholar Horace Campbell