Pulse Magazine nr 2 published
The spring edition of Magazine Pulse is out in the open! We had to wait for it for quite some time, but now it is here and with a lot of interesting articles.
In particular I want to point at Ilija Lakicevic’s contribution: The Secret of Creation, Basic Principles of Breakthrough Physics.
This is a ground breaking, must-read article because it refutes and transcends basic assumptions of maintsream physics.
Other contributions include:
* Water alchemy: harnessing the power of cavitation reentrant jets
* Power archeology – investigating ancient use of living energy
* Funding: do-it-yourself with energy linked currency
* Chills from head to toe within the crop circle
* Creator can be proven in laboratory
* GlobalBEM Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference 2013
* Creativity offers an integral bridge between matter and spirit
* Peering into the infinitesimal to solve the big problems in life
* Increasing human energy – Tesla’s philosophy of energy and humanity
* The 2014 history of cold fusion calendar
View the magazine online at: http://www.globalbemmagazine.com/magazine/pulse-2/
I wrote the article on Power Archeology. This will be republished here on TransiteWeb shortly.
Pulse, een prachtig naslagwerk.
Wat betreft Dr. Ilija Lakicevic, res. prof.:
Alles over zijn nieuwe energie visie is terug te vinden op:
Ilija is opgenomen in de 0.groep en leert ons nu waar op te letten.
Tevens wordt zijn kennis wordt nu in youtube filmpjes met de wereld gedeeld.