Volledige tekst van het Chinese vredesplan voor Oekraïne
Nu de oorlog in Oekraïne steeds verder dreigt te escaleren komt China met een voorstel om de crisis te bezweren. Laten we hopen dat dit vredesplan internationaal brede steun zal krijgen.
At the end of July 2018 I received an invitation from activist Paula van Swieten to participate in a talkshow about geoengineering hosted by Fritha de Swardt. Other guests were: Willem Felderhof and Desirée Röver.
According to Juliette Siegfried there are 7 keys that define the success of polyamorous relationships. During her workshop on the EuroBiCon16 conference on Saturday July 30 2016 she explained how these keys work. Most important one: key nr 7, also known as the ability to feel fine when being alone.
What an experience! Two European conferences on bisexuality in a row. EuroBiReCon16 (research) lasted for one and a half day and EuroBiCon16 (activism) for two and a half days, from Thursday the 28th till Sunday the...
In oktober 2013, I participated in the Breakthrough Energy Movement Conference in Boulder, Colorado. One of the speakers was James L. Schmidt, a retired aerospace engineer and former US Airforce nuclear effects expert. He...
Author: James L. Schmidt Fukushima? How soon we forget. The media reported on March 11, 2011 that a large 9.0 earthquake caused a tsunami wall of water to crash inland and swamp the Fukushima nuclear reactors....